Category Archives: Writing

Bunch of articles in the new C&RL News

There a several new articles that are about collaboration in the new College & Research Libraries News, such as these:

Get ready for a long night: Collaborating with the writing center to combat student procrastination, by Ilka Datig and Luise Herkner.


Tooling up: Scholarly communication education and training, by Maria Bonn

Scholarly communication programming and services can also be built through campus collaborations. Libraries can find aligned partners in campus publishing efforts, such as university presses, in the general counsel’s office and/or law schools, in media studies departments, in offices of research and, of course, in the scholars who populate their campuses and who are often keenly interested in the conditions under which they communicate and propagate their research findings.

Collaborations can also be built within the libraries themselves, by bringing together staff with expertise in a variety of areas into working groups or planning committees to define areas of need and to suggest and develop programming to meet such need.

And others.

Collaborative Writing – Concrete tips from Rachel Vacek

Rachel Vacek has put together a slide show that gives some excellent advice to those who want to collaborate on a writing (or presenting) project with another person/organization. She points out both the pros and the cons and provides some advice on finding and working with others in a collaborative writing project.