Cornell U. Libraries and arXiv Collaborates with the Data Conservancy

They note on their website that:

arXiv is collaborating with the Data Conservancy, a project funded by the US National Science Foundation (NSF), which aims to “research, design, implement, deploy and sustain data curation infrastructure for cross-disciplinary discovery with an emphasis on observational data”.

The current service is a pilot and may be changed or discontinued at the end of 2011. At present it is provided only for articles submitted to the astro-ph, cond-mat, and nlin subject categories. Category coverage will be reviewed at the end of April 2011. Please contact arXiv administrators with questions, suggestions or requests for particular subject coverage.

However, it is expected that the current Data Conservancy pilot projects will evolve toward much-needed long-term scientific data curation infrastructure that works seamlessly with article repositories such as arXiv.

learned about this one from Dorothea.

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